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Press Releases & Company News

  • The Search for Reliable Leading Indicators - Are There Really Any?

    How do I measure the process?

    A few weeks ago, a new series of articles called The Best vs. The Worst was launched, where safety specialists from large global companies discuss specific issues in the world of industrial safety. The first article in the series is very interesting and if you…

  • SafeStart Advent Calendar!

    At SafeStart, we believe that big changes in safety can happen by changing simple everyday habits for the better. So, to help you on your way this coming festive season, we’ve created a special advent calendar packed with 25 daily tips to help you, your…

  • SafeConnection Invites You to Our New COVID-19 Expert Panel Series

    SafeStart presents SafeConnection, an exciting weekly series of free online Expert Panel discussions. In this series, leaders from the world’s top companies share their current COVID-19 safety strategies and their plans for a “new normal”. Starting on May 6th, experts will talk about the current…

  • SafeConnection Invites You to Our New COVID-19 Expert Panel Series

    SafeStart presents SafeConnection, an exciting weekly series of free online Expert Panel discussions. In this series, leaders from the world’s top companies share their current COVID-19 safety strategies and their plans for a “new normal”. Starting on April 30th, experts will talk about the current…

  • coronavirus

    COVID-19: Prepare, Practice and Prevent

    Given the growing concerns around COVID-19 and having prioritized the health and safety of employees, consultants and clients, SafeStart has made the decision to work remotely. As leaders in Human Factors Management, SafeStart has a responsibility to evaluate and mitigate risks, maintain a healthy perspective…

  • Santa Claus, forklift, red sacks, Christmas is coming, warehouse, storehouse, logistics, workplace safety, holiday safety concerns at work

    7 Holiday Safety Concerns in the Workplace

    As the festive season approaches, employees tend to deal with more distractions than usual. Planning dinners, hosting family members, purchasing gifts and figuring out the logistics of other activities can easily cause people’s minds to wander when they’re at work. From a health and safety…

  • Man, signing, legal document, table, pen, suit, expansion, SafeStart press release, all around the world, world-wide, safety training, preventing injuries

    SafeStart Around the World

    SafeStart Around the World At SafeStart, we are dedicated to saving lives wherever we can, which is why we are so excited about our expansion in Europe. For the past years, SafeStart has maintained a strong partnership with different distributors to serve our European clients…


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For Press Enquiries

Get in touch with our press representative through the contact details below.

Lucas Martinucci, SafeStart, global marketing, leadership team, 24/7 safety lifestyle, universal safety skills, profile picture, portrait, black and white, SafeStart, SafeStart International, safety habits, workplace safety, occupational safety, improve safety culture, boost safety awareness, reduce human failure, reduce injuries, injury reduction, reduce accident rates, improve company figures, prevent critical errors, implement a positive culture change at your company, promote employee engagement, boost employee commitment, 24/7 safety, safety round the clock, being safe 24/7, safe behavioural patterns, learn safe behaviour, acquire universal safety skills, safety skill for families, safety skills for children, safety skills for everyone, safety training for employees, safety for the whole company, safety training for kids, improve operational efficiency, improve quality, safety-related habits, safety-related behaviour, risk patterns, ensure high performance, critical states, critical decisions, critical errors, how injuries occur, how to prevent injuries, how to prevent accidents

Lucas Martinucci

Head of Global Marketing