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The World’s Leading Safety Experts

tackle the worst and most persistent safety problems.
Based on the SafeConnection Expert Panels. By Mackenzie Wilson.

The Best Vs. The Worst is an exciting new series of 12 articles in which global experts explore the answers to some of the most interesting, difficult and even controversial questions on workplace safety. It offers a concise but insightful summary picked from some of the best SafeConnection Expert Panels – a series of online discussions where leaders from the world’s top companies share their current safety strategies to deal with both continuing and emerging challenges in the safety industry.

Written by Mackenzie Wilson, the series has been prepared specifically for you to get the most out of these experts without having to go through 25+ hours of video material. It provides Health and Safety professionals a perspective based on reality Vs. theory from experts who have to live with their decisions on a daily basis.

Starting in May 2022, we will publish one new article per month. Stay tuned!


Articles covering persistent safety challenges


Hours of video material summarized


International experts sharing their insights about safety
Get updates on upcoming articles series and other valuable safestart content!

Latest articles in the Series:

#12 – Corralling the recalcitrant manager.

I was originally going to title this ‘Corralling the slippery manager’ says Larry Wilson, SafeStart Author and SafeConnection moderator, at the start of the session. “But I softened it somewhat because, in the vast majority of cases, these aren’t bad people, they’re just pro’s at… Read Now!

#11 – Engaging the frontline supervisor: what works in reality?

Everyone knows how important engaging the frontline supervisor is for world-class safety outcomes. And yet, companies all over the world struggle with this aspect. Why? It might be down to training, lack of motivation and accountability, or the hiring and promotion process: theories abound, but… Read Now!

#10 – Capturing Hearts and Minds: Strategies that worked in the field and in the boardroom.

Getting beyond compliance-based safety to a place where employees understand safety as a top priority is not just necessary but can only happen if their hearts and minds are won over. SafeStart author Larry Wilson invited a SafeConnection Expert Panel to share their experiences. Read Now!

#9 – Competence, complacency and fatal injuries – The counter-intuitive nature of serious incidents and fatalities.

SafeStart Author and SafeConnection moderator Larry Wilson doesn’t just read summaries: he dives deep where others skim to get at the telling details. While examining over 400 detailed incident investigation reports, Larry discovered that over 45 percent of fatalities happened to people over 50. Indeed,… Read Now!

#8 – Production Vs. Safety: Ancient Myth or Current Reality?

SafeStart author Larry Wilson tackled an age-old problem in the latest round of SafeConnection Panel discussions: blaming ‘production’ for rushing at work. Experts from world-class companies gave invaluable contributions on how they are tackling the classic conundrum of balancing production and safety. A reality-check to… Read Now!

#7 – Fatigue Risk Management.

Fatigue is a part of our lives, affecting our reflexes, ability to anticipate danger and decision making. What should safety leaders do about it, especially in the workplace? SafeStart author Larry Wilson invited experts from world-class companies to join him for another round of SafeConnection… Read Now!

#6 – Excellent Safety = Excellent Business. Yes, but is it Cause or (just) Correlation?

It is now a given that safety excellence correlates with business excellence, but is it possible to go further and establish a causal link? SafeStart author Larry Wilson invited SafeConnection Expert Panels to consider this topic. First however, to establish the current thinking, he canvassed… Read Now!

#5 – Balancing Just Culture and Accountability: How do you make it fair?

How do companies strike a fair balance between the fact that humans make mistakes and the need to make people accountable for workplace safety? SafeStart author Larry Wilson put this critical safety culture question to SafeConnection Expert Panels. Read Now!

#4 – Felt Leadership: Are They Feeling it?

Could ‘felt leadership’, or real, genuine leadership be the key to world class safety performance, to the glittering prize of zero harm? How safety experts from around the world deals with that? Read Now!

#3 – Zero Harm: Is it a Mindset or Reality?

In theory, all injuries could be prevented, but in reality, it’s not a good bet – especially off the job or while driving. Nevertheless, accepting a level of harm that is above zero seems like giving up. Find out who has Zero Harm in their mission statement and what the results have been so far. Read Now!

#2 – Recordables Vs. serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs): Why have only recordables come down?

It’s common knowledge that serious injuries and fatalities have not come down over the last 10 years the same way that total recordable injuries have. Is it because of the theory or lack of execution? Find out what the world’s top safety experts are doing to prevent this persistent problem! Read Now!

#1 – The Search for Reliable Leading Indicators – Are There Really Any?

For over 30 years, safety professionals have been searching for reliable leading indicators. But is it possible that in so many years no one has found any? Read what safety experts from some of the most important companies in the world have to say about it! Read Now!

    Topics covered in the series:

    #ArticleAvailable onLink
    The Search for Reliable Leading Indicators – Are There Really Any?
    May 17, 2022
    Recordables Vs. serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs): Why have only recordables come down?
    Jun 14, 2022
    Zero Harm: Is it a Mindset or Reality?
    Jul 14, 2022
    Felt Leadership: Are They Feeling it?
    Aug 14, 2022
    Balancing Just Culture and Accountability: How do you make it fair?
    Sep 15, 2022
    Excellent Safety = Excellent Business. Yes, but is it Cause or (just) Correlation?
    Oct 18, 2022
    Fatigue Risk Management.
    Nov 22, 2022
    Production Vs. Safety: Ancient Myth or Current Reality?
    Jan 25, 2023
    Competence, complacency and fatal injuries – The counter-intuitive nature of serious incidents and fatalities.
    Mar 15, 2023
    Capturing Hearts and Minds: Strategies that worked in the field and in the boardroom.
    Apr 17, 2023
    Engaging the frontline supervisor: what works in reality?
    May 23, 2023
    Corralling the recalcitrant manager.
    Jun 20, 2023
    Register now and make sure you get a notification every time a new article or other SafeStart content is released!

    An exciting series of free online expert panel discussions where leaders from the world’s top companies share their current safety strategies and future plans for today’s ever-evolving workplace.

    Get your safety culture in place!
    As experience proves, merely speaking about hazards and risky behaviour is not enough to keep your staff safe. But you can make a difference by raising awareness of the sources of injuries – and how to prevent them before they happen.