Author: SafeStart
A few weeks ago, a new series of articles called The Best vs. The Worst was launched, where safety specialists from large global companies discuss specific issues in the world of industrial safety.
The first article in the series is very interesting and if you haven’t read it yet, I recommend you do so by clicking here. The main theme is the search for leading indicators that work.
The topic catches attention and I think it is worth commenting a little about it from the point of view of SafeStart since we hear a lot: how can the process be measured?
The SafeStart implementation...
Epiroc Southern Africa
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Southern Africa
Mining equipment and infrastructure
Epiroc creates a future of safety behaviour for all employees
“When it comes to ‘safety always’ behaviour, Epiroc’s values are clear – we want to protect what we value most, our people,” says Johnny de Mesquita, Epiroc Regional SHEQ Manager for Southern Africa. “The health and safety of all our employees, our customers and our business...
How to Make Habits Stick
Follow these do’s and don’ts for better habit building
According to Statistic Brain, less than 10% of people actually achieve their goal when trying to create new habits. When it comes to safety, everyone knows that good habits are essential. Most of what we do every day is habitual, learning how to change or form new habits effectively can be applied to many things. Don’t settle for just achieving one goal, habit building should be a continuous part of improving your life and this guide will help you learn how to build habits once and for all.
If you want to create a new habit, in...
SafeConnection Invites You to Our New COVID-19 Expert Panel Series
SafeStart presents SafeConnection, an exciting weekly series of free online Expert Panel discussions. In this series, leaders from the world’s top companies share their current COVID-19 safety strategies and their plans for a “new normal”.
Starting on May 6th, experts will talk about the current business scenario and the workplace safety world post-Covid-19.
The first round of weekly panels will cover different topics, such as how leading organizations are reacting to the safety challenges of Covid-19, the remote possibility of behavior change with remote training, planning for the new...
SafeConnection Invites You to Our New COVID-19 Expert Panel Series
SafeStart presents SafeConnection, an exciting weekly series of free online Expert Panel discussions. In this series, leaders from the world’s top companies share their current COVID-19 safety strategies and their plans for a “new normal”.
Starting on April 30th, experts will talk about the current business scenario and the workplace safety world post-Covid-19.
The first round of weekly panels will cover different topics, such as how leading organizations are reacting to the safety challenges of Covid-19, the remote possibility of behavior change with remote training, planning for the new...
COVID-19: Prepare, Practice and Prevent
Given the growing concerns around COVID-19 and having prioritized the health and safety of employees, consultants and clients, SafeStart has made the decision to work remotely.
As leaders in Human Factors Management, SafeStart has a responsibility to evaluate and mitigate risks, maintain a healthy perspective and make decisions based on proven facts and guidance by Governments.
We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you updated and informed.
In order for you to guide your employees on the prevention of COVID-19, we have prepared some free resources for download:
SafeStart Around the World
At SafeStart, we are dedicated to saving lives wherever we can, which is why we are so excited about our expansion in Europe.
For the past 13 years, SafeStart has maintained a strong partnership with different distributors to serve our European clients with SafeStart products and services. To support our long-term corporate vision, increase capabilities and replicate the robust client options found in Canada, the United States and Latin America, SafeStart is now the sole distributor of its materials and services throughout Europe. Our immediate priorities are to ensure that our existing...
Raising the Bar: A Safety Guide to Working at Heights
Anyone working at a height knows that fall protection measures should never be ignored, a perception matched by public safety authorities that publish clear guidelines on how to plan tasks and behave safely while carrying out this kind of work. The impact, as we all know of falling to a lower level can have life-altering consequences.
SafeStart’s guide for working at heights comes with checklists and techniques to keep workers proactive and aware, in real time, of the possibility of falling. This PDF gives you what you and your team need to avoid accidents at a height – whether in...
Solving Slips, Trips and Falls Once and For All
Whatever the type of company or industry, numerous injuries at work happen because of slips, trips or falls. For all concerned this a particularly irritating category of accident because there is often no predictable hazard that could have been prepared for. To avoid repetition in the absence of a recognisable hazard seems impossible – but is it really?
Using this SafeStart guide, “Solving Slips, Trips and Falls Once and For All”, workers and supervisors can make use of invaluable techniques and skills that will not only lead to better outcomes but also help build a stronger safety...
Driving Distraction Away
“Sleeping with your eyes open”, “hypnotic dissociation”, “driving in a daze” – there are many ways to characterise the state of being behind the wheel with dangerously diminished alertness.
Public safety campaigns regularly tackle the scourge of sleep-deprived motorists or texting while driving. All the same, authorities have yet to tackle the wider phenomenon, an issue that is much bigger than most people believe: distracted driving.
Could there be an answer to such a huge challenge? Indeed there could: our “Driving Distraction Away” guide provides the techniques and skills that...
Providing the Best PPE is no Guarantee
If there is one thing you need to get right in the workplace then it is personal protection equipment (PPE). And yet a recent survey showed that all but two percent of those questioned had noticed colleagues at work not wearing appropriate PPE. Considering that safety glasses or safety gloves may save lives in emergency situations, the stakes could not be higher. Yet the issue remains widespread in spite of the educational efforts of most organisations.
Find out what is really going on with our hands-on guide: you will be empowered to tackle the human factors that are undermining your...