ClientStrad Energy Services
Industrial products and services
From the penalty box to the top of the podium
Gaining a business advantage with a safety first approach
After a recordable incident involving a Strad employee on site at one of the largest energy companies in the world, Strad was“ in the penalty box”according toTed Graul, Director of HSE. Strad’s safety team responded by presenting their safety system and as a result Strad is now a preferred vendor of choice at the “top of the podium.”
Strad Energy Services is a leading provider of equipment rental solutions to various sectors of the North American oil and gas industry. Strad products provide critically important services like environmental protection and waste management in an industry with some of the highest safety requirements, to clients with even higher safety standards.
It’s a common mandate from large clients in the oil and gas industry: you must have a Behavior Based Safety (BBS)process in place. Strad is proud to highlight their “Safety First” program, including SafeStart and SafeTrack, in all of their bid packages.
It’s just smart business. Yet for Strad leadership and employees, it’s much more than that. It’s a guiding principle, contributing to what Ted calls the “Strad Fiber.”